Avalution in use

Get inspiration for your projects! Here you’ll find best practices on how to integrate digital people into your own business model, how to inspire customers and how to advance your own company.

Research & Projects

lie comfortably with 3D

Innovative service as a competitive factor
Online product configuration with body dimension data
Individual production of the most suitable mattress


How Shapewear works

Valid data of the target group
Precise measurement
Improved size & fit
Valid statement of effect
More market potential


Peter Hahn
Body dimensions as a strategic factor

Valid data basis for size & fit quality
Sizing & fitting coordination with Asia
Increasing the market potential
Uniform understanding of size & fit

Research & Projects

People in 3D worldwide

Representative 3D measurements and demographic data
Key markets like China, Germany, USA
Online access for analyses and avatar creation
High-tech body scanner


Faster development with 3D

3D avatar of your own house model
Transfer of body dimension data to 3D software
Significant time savings
Leading the way in digitalization


Nairo Quintana
Taking the lead with high-tech

Digital twin
Significant time savings
Interaction of body,
clothing and equipment


What does our customer actually look like?

Walbusch uses iSize to integrate current data on sizes, body shapes and postures from ‘Best Ager’ models into its product development.


Occupational safety

All of Asia in CAD at the touch of a button

More market potential in Asia
Optimal sizing & fitting/protective function
Significant time savings
Competitive advantage in Asian sales


Buy Plus Sizes online

Optimal size recommendation
Current 3D body measurements for plus-size women
Application to product sizes


How do we ensure quality abroad?

Using clear guidelines and practical tools, s.Oliver ensures fast, solid results from its production partners.



IAT Leipzig
3D Body Scanning in Top Sports

Get the best performance
Scanning in typical postures
Optimize motion sequences
Perform posture corrections
exclude injuries

Opportunities in development and production

Up to 50% time savings in development

Cost savings in development and production

Basis for new business models

Better sizing & fitting/protection function

100% availability
for test/fitting

Risk minimization

Continuous integration into processes

Increased competitiveness